Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Free Book: In Search of Family: Why Ellis Island Said No to Francesco Amuso & Family-ASIN B0131BC4H4

By Laurence Amuso

To all the Amusos out there (and other interested parties). Many of you probably heard of a relative that officials at Ellis Island forced to return to Italy. That relative was my grandfather’s brother. In short, he had come to America two times, built a successful business, paid income tax, and was a productive legal immigrant. He went home in January of 1924 and months later returned with wife and two children. When they arrived at the Island the officials refused them entry into the United States.  He had two brothers and a sister living here. Nevertheless, I was able to meet the descendants of the family and write a book about the whole incident. Thanks to the National Archives, who still had the records of his hearings at the Island. I have put the book on promotion at Amazon where you can down load it for free.

The Promotion starts April 1 to April 5. After reading please send me some comments. State Bene.

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